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Friday, June 4, 2010

Tool # 2 PLN

1. Building online education community does make sense. As any other community built online PLN will persue its own goals,communicate our professional ideas, thoughts etc.; valuable for educational professionals first of all.Getting a piece of advice from the teacher next door is great (especially if you have a next-door teacher), but getting the advice globally would bring a feeling of being united with the whole world of the same folks as you are.
2. Be humble – I find that readers respond very well to posts that show your own weaknesses, failings and the gaps in your own knowledge rather than those posts where you come across as knowing everything there is to know on a topic. People are attracted to humility and are more likely to respond to it than a post written in a tone of someone who might harshly respond to their comments.- I like this advice the most.
3. I commented on the folloing bloggers: Houser, Amy Amy's House
Joyce, Patty Being Patty Joyce
Staples, Darla dj'sjots
Wegscheid, Cheryl Wegs Online
, Joanne Lee, Ms.Lee's Thoughts


  1. Isn't it great to know that not only do you have next-door teachers to work with but now you have pushed your classrooom walls out to meet others you can learn from and who can learn from you!

  2. Dear Anya - this is a great way to keep some communication during the summer with my work neighbors. I also liked your avatar - it looks similar to you - and you chose an animated background which is a different choice than others I've seen.
    "WIKI" reminds me of "WIFI" - which I used to see years ago in coffeehouses - I thought it had to do with people's marital status!

  3. I think that using blogs to connect globally is a great idea. I think I knew that this happened but for some reason when I read your post it registered that I can do this. Maybe because I am realizing that blogging is not as hard as I once thought. I am overcoming my fear.
